Thursday, April 17, 2008


If you know of an anyone who should receive a copy of the plan please email me their contact info:

A copy of the Sustainability Plan and a letter were emailed (April 15th) to various government bodies/people seeking advise/direction or direct assistance to:

Tricia Demacedo - Saanich
Gary Lunn - MP for area
David Cubberley - MLA for area
Vicki Sanders - Councillor and head of Env. Committee for Saanich
Environmental Planning Dept. Saanich

To date (April 17th, 2008) one reply received from Tricia Demacedo - Environmental Planning Officer - District of Saanich (thank you Tricia!):

Dear Susan,
Congratulations on an interesting project! My main recommendation would be that your strata council take advantage of the Federal government's rebates for energy-saving renovations. You would ask City Green, a local non-profit, to do an energy assessment of the buildings. They make recommendations on upgrades to insulation, windows, weatherstripping, heating methods etc., then you have a year and a half to do the renovations. Depending on how much you improve your energy efficiency, the federal government issues a rebate to you.
Secondly, I would look at landscaping costs. Do you have a lot of lawn, which requires watering? Are you spreading fertilizers and pesticides on ornamental landscaping? You can save money and enhance the environment by utilizing more drought-resistant, native plants which don't require as much maintainance.
Toilet replacement with 6 litre flush toilets will really give a big decrease in both water and sewer costs for that many units. There is a CRD rebate for each new toilet installed.
Those are my main thoughts right now. It really depends on how much capital your group is willing to put out to save long-term
Good luck

More letters and the plan will go out this week. Visit here often to see updates!

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