Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Prices keep going up and up and up

Prices keep going up and up and up but we are not getting anything more for our money, in fact we are not able to keep pace with the rising costs of operating our Parkside Place home.
You know by now we have a shortfall from our last budget, one that will cost each of us an additional 400 and some-such dollars...we will get that bill soon. The new fees have been increased. Will there be another short-fall at the end of this budget? The accountant thinks there will be. So, what do we do?
We figure out how we can reduce our costs. With 45 percent of our fees going to heat and water thats a great place to start don't you think? Heat and water costs are going to continue to rise.

Here is a link for you to visit. We hope to be able to capture some of these grant monies described at that site.

Have a look. Think about helping us! email

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